Starting a diet is easy. Heck, I've started at least two dozen diets over the past 30 years.You want tough? Try sticking to a diet through thick and thin! Oh, I see... you have tried sticking to a diet.There are many reasons we fall off the diet wagon. I think the biggest reason has to be a lack of perceived progress. It could be a stuck scale needle or a dress or pants size that refuses to drop.So here we are. It's early in the New Year and we're determined to make this the last diet we'll ever need. So...
So it's the New Year and you've decided you want to lose weight... now what? Coming to Diet-to-Go is a great first step -- we'll give you the delicious, perfectly portioned meals you need to eat well and get healthy.But it doesn't hurt to get a little advice from people who've helped other men and women like you successfully drop a few pounds.I've rounded up seven proven tips for losing weight. No need to thank me. Just stay the course and lose the weight you want to lose.But more importantly, once you attain your goal weight be sure to...
At Diet-to-Go, we are constantly monitoring, evaluating and tweaking things. That includes our website, our food, our menus, and our user experience.Our mission is to provide you a seamless, stress-free experience. Check out what's new: A nifty feedback tool that will allow you to let us know how we're doing.To make room for this feedback tool (which you can access by clicking on that red "feedback" button at the left of this page), we will be saying so long to our Forum.The Forum was created to allow Diet-to-Go customers a place to share their experiences and thoughts about dieting and...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Alicia Kirschenheiter is a total wellness guru who has rolled up her sleeves to help you to not only stay on track with your 2011 diet, but to also get the most out of our resolutions for healthy living. Alicia knows that total wellness equals diet, exercise and a proper mindset. Incorporate all three parts and you'll see far better results with your weight loss. 5 Ways to Get The Most Out of Your Diet1) Incorporate fitness the right way... with goals you can reach! Set realistic fitness goals that can be achieved. Maybe 30 minutes a...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women. I know there all kinds of computerized gadgets to organize and simplify my life, but I insist on doing some things the old-fashioned way.I keep a list of what I need to do in a faux leather-bound book. I frequently take out my felt-tip pen, and draw a perfect little check mark next to each task I complete.If anyone was to peek inside this journal, they would know everything about...
Special for DiettoGo.comby Adrienne CarlsonDiet... It's a word that is dreaded by most people but one that most of us adopt because we want to look our best and stay healthy.A diet is not something that everyone is able to adhere to, and for those of us who try, it's best to know for sure what to eat and what to avoid when we're trying to lose weight and get fit.Opinions differ and, as they say, one man's meat is another man's poison, so there are going to be varying ideas on what constitutes the best diet food and what...
Okay, there are few places these days that a person can go without seeing an ad for a protein bar, power shake or slimming smoothie. So what gives?Well, honesty being the best policy, I do enjoy a good smoothie instead of a breakfast meal on occasion. But there are some things to look for when choosing a meal substitute over whole food.Whole food nutrition is my primary source of nutrition. I wholeheartedly suggest that my clients get the nutrients they need for exercise, for energy and for life from whole foods.But it's not always easy or even possible to enjoy...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women. "Oh, my goodness! I had no idea I was THIS heavy!" Have you ever been completely shocked to see a recent photo of yourself or to maybe catch a glimpse of your reflection in a store window?Well-meaning friends soothe you by saying the camera always adds 10 pounds or the shop windows are making you look bigger than you really are.You wish it were true, but... in reality, cameras and reflections...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women."Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally." ~Jon Kabat-ZinnLast week I shared with you some thoughts on mindful and mindless eating. We learned how to understand our relationships with food by being mindful of why we eat, when we eat, and what we eat.We eat when we are not hungry, and when we are nervous, bored or frustrated. We use food as...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women like you."Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally." ~Jon Kabat-ZinnMindfulness is being aware, living in the present moment, observing where you are and what you are doing, and not allowing anything else to fill your mind from the past or in the future.So mindfulness is simply the moment-by-moment awareness of life.This is sometimes difficult to do because we get caught up...
We all want to be healthy and slim, right? So why aren't we? Oh, there could be a genetic or medication issue that's holding you back. But more often than not the only thing holding us back is us.As a Total Wellness expert, I have worked with a large number of clients over the years. And believe me when I tell you -- excuses for not getting healthy are not only a dime a dozen, but they also don't make a lot of sense! I'm Too Old to Start Now!It's never too late to get healthy. Cliché as it...
Oh, summer madness... what have you wrought in the way of slimming?Each year -- specifically, every swimsuit season -- something magical and diabolical happens. Mirrors become enemies, swimsuits are torture devices, and we lose all ability to reason good and bad things for us because every quick-fix diet program or device has guaranteed us it can slim our bodies just in time to hit the beach without a wrap or body-covering burka.This year is no different. Here are some of my favorite new "miracle slimming solutions" to make the scene. In-home genetic DNA testingOk, I never claimed to be a...
Meet guest blogger Cynthia Parrott, a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women like you. Happy Hour... it's the ritualistic reward for a hard day of work or the regular Friday gathering of friends anxious to kick off the weekend.Happy Hour is the time we can finally relax with a drink, enjoy casual conversation and put our troubles behind us for a little while.Regardless of where and when we celebrate Happy Hour, this seemingly innocent ritual might not be as harmless as it appears -- at...
Rewards. We all love them... we want them... we need them. A pat on the back for a job well done, a holiday bonus for a productive year, a cold drink after an afternoon working in the garden, a new pair of shoes after finally paying off debt. As we work to achieve good health and a comfortable weight, we definitely should reward ourself.I recently read about a woman who was working very hard for to lose weight for a reunion. She reached her desired halfway point and planned to celebrate at her favorite restaurant by choosing the...
Meet new guest blogger Cynthia Parrott, a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women like you. As a Holistic Health and Nutritional Counselor, I am all about balance.Holistic means whole. Holistic counseling is exploring, nurturing, and healing the three components of who we are: body, mind and spirit. If one of these components is out of balance, we become tired, frustrated, overweight (or underweight), unhealthy, unhappy, and bored.As women, we wear at least a dozen different hats and are always juggling things. We work, we play,...
When my phone rings it's often a client wanting to change their life and do what it takes to get healthier.They insist they are ready to empty their kitchen cupboards, replace with all new healthier choices, completely change their way of eating, join the gym moving from a sedentary life to spin classes all in one fell swoop.A week later they are so sore they can't walk, hungry from eating nothing but broccoli and if they have a family, said family is ready to jump ship. When it comes to adapting a healthier lifestyle, it's best to think small and...
I don't know about you but there are too many days I awake and ask myself, "Why did I have that third slice of pizza when two were more than enough?" or "Why didn't I stop at four wings rather than stuff down seven?"The bigger question is, "Why do we overeat?"The Nutrition Diva -- Monica Reinagel -- tackled this subject in the Diet-to-Go February newsletter. In case you missed it, here is the beginning of her insightful blog.At the bottom of today's blog we have the podcast link you can use to listen to Monica discuss this important subject. Stop...
My scale and I are happy to report another great week of weight loss. A few minutes ago, my digital scale announced I had shrank to 218.8 which means I've dropped a full three pounds since last week AND a super 17.2 pounds since I started my Diet-to-Go Balance meal plan! I've got two words for you -- WOO HOO!I've said it before and I'll say it again: Diet-to-Go is the best diet I've ever followed. They plan the meals, they make the meals and they ship the meals right here to my home.All I have to do it...
In his 1973 hit Mind Games, John Lennon sang "We're playing those mind games together, pushing barriers, planting seeds..." At times I miss the late Beatle as much as I miss my 32-inch waistline.Today we're going to resurrect Lennon's Mind Games message: You can use your brain to make great strides.That means you can imagine world peace and work towards it or you can visualize a slimmer, healthier you and get on the right track to make that happen.Despite what it may feel like at times, neither goal is impossible. So let's start playing those mind games together -- we'll...
I succeeded in finding a scale and performing my first weigh-in yesterday, which happened to be the first day of my brand new diet. I had feared my starting weight would sicken me. Happily, I was wrong.Although the digital readout said I weigh 236 pounds the number actually made me smile... and not because I stand 6-foot-8 and 236 is a good weight for me. I am only 5-foot-7.But I still managed to smile because 236 means I am several pounds LIGHTER than the last time I got motivated to lose some weight! I am traditionally the stereotypical yo-yo dieter...