Craving chocolate or red meat all the time? Worried that these cravings are really indications of nutrient deficiencies and not just lapses in your willpower? Decode your cravings and learn how to make healthy choices when you...
Have you come to the point where you are saying, “Enough is enough! I have to lose weight!” Dropping excess weight will help your health and your self-esteem but without adequate planning and resolve, it can be tough to do. Dieting success starts with seven questions.
Thoughts like “I’m too fat” and “I hate my thighs” can easily overcome any positive feelings we have about our bodies. Ask yourself these three questions before you start trying to lose weight to amp up your likelihood for success.
One of the hardest things about making changes to your diet is trying to fight the temptation that comes with eating healthier. If you are celebrating a birthday, you’ll want to enjoy a piece of cake. If it is Thanksgiving, you’ll want a piece (or two) of pie. These are situations that will come up often enough that you have to have a plan in place of how to skip the foods that temp you. Doing small things like identifying your temptations, drinking more water and being accountable to yourself can make big changes.
We're giving away 1,000 meals this month - and we're doing it because we know that your New Year's resolution to lose weight can go a lot further than just a couple months. In fact, here are the top tips to make choices that will last a lifetime! Plus, enter here for your chance to win!
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by all the health and nutrition information you hear every day, start by making a few easy changes to your diet that will pay off down the road. Here are 5 things you can start doing today that will lead to improved health in your future.
Check out our list of the top 100 most inspirational weight loss bloggers of 2013. These are authentic people. They're people who know exactly what it feels like to be in your position. And they're people who are succeeding every single day at the journey you're on too. Whether you're someone who has just made the commitment to lose the weight, a blogger who also shares your own journey towards a healthy lifestyle, a person who likes to read about the triumphs of others, whoever... these blogs are the best.
Hello everybody, Alyssa here from the Double Chin Diary! I’m a proud Diet-to-Go ambassador and today, I want to talk to you about taking your weight loss to the next level… with a free thing that everyone has access to. Are you ready? This miraculous wonder-drug is… WATER!
For a lot of us, it’s tough to find the right diet or exercise program to overcome a lifetime of bad choices. In a super-size me culture that involves huge portion sizes, poor quality food and an abundance of bad health choices, the need for real, tangible solutions is more important now than ever.
That’s why using common-sense is the best method for change. Common-sense healthy is the idea that people can make practical changes that will lead to real results.
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, many of us choose leading a healthier lifestyle as the one at the forefront. Yet staying on track can be difficult to do in our hectic lives.
To help you maintain focus, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 ways to stay the course with your New Year’s resolution goals, which we believe will keep you motivated as you work to improve your lifestyle the healthy and delicious way!
Living a healthy life isn’t always easy. We are constantly bombarded with decadent temptations and conflicting advice in the news. What’s a well-meaning, health-conscious individual to do? If we’ve learned anything here at Diet-to-Go it’s that living healthy is not an all or nothing proposition. Living healthy is about...
BMI: three simple letters that can mean so much. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it’s becoming a universal health screening method. Understanding what exactly BMI measures, the reliability of BMI results and how to interpret those results, will go a long way in providing the information you need to take steps to improve your health.
We can't digest it, and it passes through our system without adding any nutritional benefits, but we still need it! We're talking fiber. Fiber is one of the most effective weight loss weapons out there. And chances are, you’re probably not getting enough.
In our time starved world the last thing we want to do is waste time trying to lose weight. You put the effort in…you want to see results. Since the dawn of time, at least the dawn of dieting, people have tried practically everything to lose weight from eating only lemons for days on end to purposely swallowing poisons to induce vomiting. Not only are these weight loss methods dangerous, but most are also completely ineffective and a waste of time. While they may cause some initial weight loss, the results are not permanent.
Don’t waste your time with these!
Knowing what to eat and what to avoid to be healthy can be confusing at best; especially when it comes to fat. For years we were told to avoid eating any fat at all. Then we were told that it’s important we eat some "good" fats, but to stay away from "bad" fats. And no matter what, never, ever eat trans fats...
Human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body during pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, HCG signals the hypothalamus to mobilize fat stores, which helps the body bring nutrients into the placenta, fueling the fetus with the energy it needs to grow. So how did a pregnancy hormone become synonymous with weight loss? HCG...
High fructose corn syrup: it's the added sweetener that can be found in everything from soup to juice to muffins to peanut butter. But, for something so sweet, it sure does stir up a lot of sour feelings. You'd be hard pressed to find a food product out there that causes as much controversy as high fructose corn syrup; but why? What is High Fructose Corn Syrup? Before we can understand the controversy...
Diet soda may not be a dieter's ally after all. It's common knowledge that regular sodas are not the best beverage choice out there. They are loaded with empty calories and sugar: nearly 10 teaspoonfuls of sugar per 12-ounce can. But what about diet sodas, they have no calories and no sugar; are they ok to drink? Well, despite being a calorie friendly beverage there is mounting evidence that they...
There are the undeniable signs, wet towels strewn about, goggles on the floor, the smell of sunscreen in the air...no doubt about it, pool season has begun! While fun filled days at the pool are always a welcome diversion in the summer, the food available at the pool is not nearly as treasured. Pool snack bars are notorious for...