We know a lack of sleep can make us unfocused, lethargic and grumpy. But did you also know a lack of sleep can make us gain weight? Studies have shown that there is a direct link between sleep deprivation and weight gain...
Table salt (which is a combination of sodium and chloride) has been an important part of the human diet for centuries. In fact, the ability to taste saltiness is one of our basic human characteristics. Salt can bring out the flavor of foods, help to preserve our food, and even helps to transport vital nutrients around our bodies. But despite all the good aspects of salt, we often hear how detrimental it is to our overall wellbeing. So what is the story with salt, sodium and our health?Common table salt is really...
It's ok to admit, we've all done it. We've all fallen victim to poser foods at one point or another. You know those foods we thought were healthy, but it turns out, really aren't. You think you're making a smart choice only to be tripped up by a phony: a candy bar in a protein bar's clothing. So next time your stomach starts grumbling, think before you eat, read all labels and keep...
Learning what information to follow and what to ignore can be quite difficult when it comes to diet and eating right. There are so many 'rules' to follow and many sources conflict with one another. Even the USDA...
None of us is perfect when it comes to maintaining our health; we all have our own small vices. However, while some things are just bumps in the road, these 5 habits are a THREAT- not only your daily happiness and health - but to your life. Kick these five dangerous habits to the curb before...
Post-vacation blues are just awful. After being away and enjoying a trip, going back to your everyday routine can be harsh. And, if you took a little vacation from your healthy diet habits while away the return to reality can be downright brutal. There are so many resources to help you stay healthy while ON vacation but very little to ease the transition back to reality. A lapse in healthy eating combined with post-vacation blues can ruin your nutritious home habits. Here are some simple techniques to fight those blues, ease back into your healthy routine and recover from your...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Diet-to-Go guest blogger Mia Redrick has made it her mission to help harried moms everywhere learn how to take care of themselves -- mentally and physically. Today she turns her attention to...
This is not a blog entry about energy drinks. I find that when I start to talk about food and productivity, people instantly start asking me about energy drinks.How can I get energy to work when I have not taken care of myself, haven't gotten enough rest, and am exhausted?Answer: if you are that tired, your strategy needs to be power napping. Try 20 minutes and see what that does for you.Let's suppose, though, that you are not quite in that state of emergency yet. Instead, you want to know what foods to include in your diet so that you...
There's a good chance you are overweight. I know I am. I also know that it's sometimes daunting to think about how many pounds you NEED TO LOSE just to feel better and get healthier.Odds are you're setting your sights extremely high... much higher than you actually need to make a difference.A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology says even moderate weight loss and moderate exercise like walking play a big difference in your heart health.You just can't beat news like that!Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that moderate...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Living a healthier lifestyle is a truly global ambition. With that in mind, meet Dr. Racha Sankar. She operates a bariatric center in Damascus, Syria but earned her degree in diet and nutrition at Florida International University. Our worldly friend is here with a blog about fiber. At my clinic, the most common complaint I hear is: Help! I simply cannot lose weight anymore!My first question: Are you constipated?The usual response: Yes... and I am always feeling bloated after each meal!From my practice, I realized that we choose foods more wisely when we are dieting but we tend...
For many who strive to lose weight and get into shape, their initial solution is to diet.But sometimes simply reducing your caloric intake and minimizing meal portions isn't enough.Sometimes you actually need to add more food into your meal plan-especially those that will help you workout harder so you can burn off extra calories. 5 Metabolism Boosters You Drink or Eat WaterIn order to help speed up your weight lost and give your metabolism a little boost, it's imperative that you drink lots of water throughout the day (and not just when you're working out).This is because, according to researchers,...
It's American Heart Month. Do you know the warning signs of heart attack or stroke?Why is it so important to worry about our heart health? Well, according to the American Heart Association, "Cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, are our nation's No. 1 killer."The purpose of American Heart Month -- an event that has taken place each year since 1963 -- is to urge Americans to join the battle against cardiovascular diseases.To learn more about the American Heart Association and its efforts to save lives, go to www.americanheart.org.Meanwhile, here are the warning signs that you may be at risk of a heart...
We're still celebrating American Heart Month here at Diet-to-Go. where our low-fat and vegetarian meal plans meet the guidelines of the American Heart Association and other major medical organization.Diet-to-Go chief editor John McGran recently sat down with Janet Bond Brill, author of Prevent a Second Heart Attack: 8 Foods, 8 Weeks to Reverse Heart Disease (Three Rivers Press), to discuss the ways you can lower your risk of heart disease through diet and a little exercise.So whether you've had your first heart attack or simply want to eat better for a healthier heart you can't beat this insightful advice from...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Wendie Pett is a highly sought-after speaker who offers talks on fitness, nutrition, life balance, motivation and all manner of topics related to wellness of mind, body and spirit. Today she comes to Diet-to-Go to get to the heart of the matter -- the issues affecting your heart. It's not all about extra fat and a lack of exercise. Home Is Where the Heart IsIf home is where the heart is, why do so many people neglect their heart, both physically and spiritually?Is your heart suffering due to a lack of exercise or to the foods you...
The Kardea Gourmet: Smart and Delicious Eating for a Healthy Heart (LINX) is being published this month to coincide with American Heart Month. Written by Richard Collins, MD and Robert Leighton -- with Susan Buckley RD -- the book is part cookbook and part nutrition handbook, but it's all about guiding your journey to a heart healthy, delicious style of eating.The Kardea Gourmet is a collaboration of three people: a preventive cardiologist dedicated to keeping people healthy; a gourmet home chef, foodie and former chocolate executive with a cholesterol problem; and a registered dietitian who spends her days coaching people...
Increasing fruit and vegetable intake from five to eight servings a day prevents heart attacks and prolongs life.For every additional serving above two per day, there is a 4% decrease in the rate of heart disease deaths (European Heart Journal, published online January 18, 2011).Not eating enough fruits and vegetables is a major risk factor, in itself, for heart attacks and premature death.FYI: Eight servings a day of fruits and vegetables will weigh approximately 1.5 pounds.The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture have just released a report recommending that Americans eat vegetables, fruits, whole...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Living a healthier lifestyle is a truly global ambition. With that in mind, meet Dr. Racha Sankar. She operates a bariatric center in Damascus, Syria but earned her degree in diet and nutrition at Florida International University. Our worldly friend is here with a blog about carbs and diabetes. Welcome Racha!Eating Carbs is an Art: The 5 PrinciplesAs a nutritional consultant working in the field of obesity and its related diseases, I often hear tales of frustration like:"I have not eaten rice, pasta and bread for the past three months... still I cannot control my blood sugar!""When we...
A diet of fruits, vegetables and nuts lowers the bad LDL cholesterol in two weeks by 33%, far more than the same diet with added grains and low fat diary (23%), and even more than by the National Cholesterol Therapeutic Step-2 diet recommended by doctors for people with high cholesterol (7%).Even more important, the ratios of LDL/HDL cholesterol are reduced by 24%, 12%, and 5% respectively (Epidemiology, March 2006).This study by David Jenkins and many other studies show that the most effective way to lower high cholesterol and blood pressure, prevent heart attacks and prolong life is to avoid taking...
Dieting doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. So the next time you slip and scarf down an entire package of Girl Scout cookies or a carton of ice cream, don't throw in the towel, give up and gain back the weight you've lost.You wouldn't trash your car just because you got a dent in the fender, right? So why should you abandon your weight loss goals over a single moment of diet debauchery?Author and registered nurse Linda Spangle knows why we are so quick to call it a day and dive back into overeating. "Whenever you say, 'I...
A review of 19 studies covering 1.5 million people shows that being even a little bit overweight shortens your life and the heavier you are, the more likely you are to die of cancer and heart attacks (New England Journal of Medicine, December 2, 2010).Two-thirds of North American adults are overweight or obese.Doctors measure overweight with a Body-Mass Index (BMI) number: your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. A normal BMI is 22.5 to 25. Having a BMI of 27.5 increases your chances of dying from a heart attack by 50 percent, and a...