Diet-to-Go customer and Virginia resident Steve used the healing treatment of a long-term disease as the catalyst he needed to finally lose the weight for good. Check out his amazing story of success.
IT Tech Blake wanted to change his life for the better. Now, 85 pounds later, he's doing just that. All by eating healthy, balanced meals and working out. Check out his amazing story.
Run. Jump. Climb. Target. Seesaw. Walk. Target. Poles. Jump. Shoot. Target. Sounds like someone doing an interesting (and exhausting) workout, right? Well it is, but probably not what you would expect.
Erin Foley says the greatest benefit of losing weight is keeping up with her dog Tatiana on the agility course.
When 54-year-old Nick Marulli decided to tackle his weight issues last January, he knew it would take a strong commitment, motivation and educating himself about nutrition to accomplish his goal.
Now, over 50 pounds down, Nick continues to stay focused on his goal weight through moderate fitness, portion-control and overcoming a lifetime of bad habits.
Last October, Jennifer took her first step towards a healthier life by linking up with Diet-to-Go. A few short months ago, Jennifer celebrated her sensational 43-pound weight loss by completing a 10-mile road race in just 90 minutes! "The race went much better than expected! My official time was 1:30:34... that's an average of nine minutes per mile! I'm really sore, but it was worth it!" Jennifer raves."For the first time in my life, I don't want or need to lose any more weight! I've gone from a size 14 pushing 16 to a comfortable size 4 - and...
There are plenty of benefits associated with losing weight. For starters, there's a lowered risk of illness and an increase in energy. But for Lori, who's dropped 36 pounds with Diet-to-Go, the best part of weight loss just may be not having to wear clothes with elastic waistbands anymore."Seriously, it great to shop for fashionable clothes and not be limited to what's available in the 'plus-size' stores," Lori says.Our 55-year-old featured slimmer weighed 220 when she turned to Diet-to-Go for help. She now weighs 184 and is on track to reach her goal weight of 160.And she says staying the...
Steve S. didn't need pills or surgery to drop 100 pounds. The retiree from Maryland says all it took was a little faith, a three-day-a-week workout plan and a lot of really good food.Super slimmer Steve got serious about weight loss last January after his doctor's scale registered 407.He found success with Diet-to-Go's perfectly portioned meals."Diet-to-Go makes it easy," says Steve, who at his highest weight wore a size-58 waist."They make it easy enough to make substitutions for meals and I don't have to worry about what's for dinner, food shopping or cooking. I simply pick up my meals at...
She's lost 30 pounds, but it's not the numbers on the bathroom scale that matters most to Rachel. What really matters to this Diet-to-Go slimmer are the numbers on her blood test results.After following Diet-to-Go for a year now, Rachel is happy to report her blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides all fall well within the healthy range.Also extremely happy about Rachel's much-improved numbers and greatly lowered heart disease risk: her doctor. Rachel, 58, turned to Diet-to-Go last year after she suffered a heart attack in 2008."From a cardiac perspective, my doctor is very happy for me getting this far," says...
After adopting a pair of lively young girls, music theater managers Jean and James knew it was time to clean up their act. The motivation to get healthier and more energetic inspired the Iowa couple to lose a combined 150 pounds with Diet-to-Go!"Our weight loss was motivated by wanting to attend our youngest daughters' high school and college graduations and to see them marry and start families of their own," a glowing Jean tells Diet-to-Go."I am 48 years old and I have not weighed this little since before I became pregnant with my oldest child... and that's 23 years ago."So...
By dropping 60 pounds and toning up, Alan L. went from out-of-shape couch potato to competitive triathlon and marathon participant.And he knows just who deserves a lot of the credit for his amazing health turnaround."Diet-to-Go has changed my life!" Alan raves."This diet - combined with two hours of exercise a day for 5 days a week - completely changed my life. It was a great effort which has paid off in great ways!"If you gauge success by running 26 miles at a time or by competing in multi-event competitions where you run, bike and swim long distances, then YES......
When his scale's needle crept past the 300-pound mark, Jason S. weighed his weight-loss options and chose delicious Diet-to-Go home-delivered meals over pills, potions, surgery or some trendy celebrity diet du jour.Less than nine months later, he's down a stunning 77 pounds and looking forward to an increasingly active lifestyle that already involves cycling, hiking and kayaking!"I've lost over 75 pounds on Diet-to-Go and it's helped transform the way I think about eating, food and exercise," says Jason, 33, who now regularly bikes the six miles to work and back."At first, the goal was merely to give up control and...
Check out Rollie. Since joining Diet-to-Go last April, he's slimmed down 63 pounds!Our success story-in-the-making is here today to inspire everyone in need of weight loss... and that includes all of us waiting until January 1st to resolve to get healthier in 2011!Take it away Rollie!"I'm now at 254 pounds for a total of 63 pounds lost."Here's a picture my wife took of me this morning. I apologize for the blond hair but it is left over from the Halloween party when I dressed up as Dr. Carlisle Cullen from the Twilight movie." Quick Facts About RollieAge: 53Height: 6'2" Starting...
They say good things come in threes and nowhere is that more evident than at the Crowley home where three family members have become Diet-to-Go customers and lost a whopping total of 166 pounds between them!Abby Crowley is down 46 pounds, her husband Ed is 40 pounds trimmer, and their son Jess is now a super-sensational 80 pounds lighter since signing up with Diet-to-Go!This family of slimmers now swears by the family of Diet-to-Go meal plans and wholeheartedly recommends the food to anyone in need of weight loss."For me, Diet-to-Go is a no-brainer," Abby says. "I just eat the delicious,...
Weight loss really suits Donna, a military wife with a Ph.D. in mathematics. Now a very happy customer, Donna's decision to choose Diet-to-Go really added up!To reward herself for dropping 53 pounds with Diet-to-Go, Donna treated herself to a shape-hugging new outfit, then wore it to the airport to welcome her husband John home from a lengthy tour of duty in Afghanistan.Airman John's wide eyes and approving glances confirmed for Donna that her figure had changed for the better.A beaming Donna, who lives near the U.S. Army base in Fayetteville, North Carolina, says another unmistakable sign that she has done...
When it comes to weight loss, Bo knows dieting. As part of his job as a radio personality, the Louisiana man got to try just about every hot diet that hit the market.But now that Bo is off the air and dieting on his own dime, he's tuned into the best tasting, easiest-to-follow diet he could find - and he's dropped a super 39 pounds!The program that Bo says gives him the most bang for his buck: Diet-to-Go."Diet-to-Go has been a great tool to jump-start my weight loss and I'm proof that it works if you work it," Bo says....
At Diet-to-Go we know our product is exceptional. And we take every opportunity to tell you just that. However, we do know that it's not always easy to swallow rave reviews when the source is the very hand that feeds you. So it's with great pride that we point you to not one... not two... but to THREE talented bloggers who just happen to love our stuff so much that they rave about it to the world. The difference is that this talented trio posts its stories of joy on independent websites. We're so proud of Bo, Donna and Steve,...