Hello, summer evenings! That warm weather makes for the perfect time of year to kick back on the patio with a good book, loved ones, a healthy meal and, in moderation, a cocktail!
Thankfully, there are plenty of summer-friendly options out there that can be enjoyed and still fit into your calorie budget.
We've collected 7 that have under 150 calories and are perfect for summer!
For most of us, the idea of grilling runs hand-in-hand with warm, lazy summer weekends. Very rarely do we think about it as a way to whip up healthy, tasty dishes when we’re in a rush. But in reality, that’s exactly what it can be!
Grilling is easy and makes cooking-times much faster--plus, foods hot off the grates have their own special, smokey taste that can make healthy eating even more enjoyable. Here are 8 tips for making grilling your best healthy, convenience-cooking style of the summer!
You’ve heard about the keto diet. You’ve thought about the keto diet. Now you’re at a point where you’re ready to actually try the keto diet. Hold up. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. Before you go all-in, make sure you’re setting yourself up for success by taking the right steps.
There are times when self-doubt, insecurity and negative thoughts creep into our minds. But here’s the thing, our thoughts don’t have to define us. Are they going to be there? Sure. But do they have to make us miserable? Absolutely not.
Life as a single, working mom of two was tough. It was a challenge for Martha to maintain a schedule where she could plan healthy meals for herself... so drive-throughs helped her survive. She needed a change if she was going to create a healthy life-style.
“I was starving because I’d work right through lunch, so what did I do?” Martha said. “I would go right through the drive-throughs. I wasn’t going to make lunch. I didn’t want to go shopping.”
With our help, Martha learned proper portion control and how to stick with healthy, nutritious meals. She also credits us with making it easy to get back on track when she did have tough times. She just wanted to be healthy... and she is!
Strawberries, lemon, pineapple, oranges — spring fruits are the perfect combination of citrusy and sweet. They also go great with ingredients like yogurt, fat-free cream cheese and cool whip to make delicious desserts that have a distinctly light, spring taste to them.
With that in mind, below are 8 healthy, fruit-themed spring desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth — without all those excess calories.
Finding lasting, long-term success when it comes to weight loss isn’t something that happens overnight — it’s a marathon, not a sprint. That’s the message Lauren Vaz wants to send, and it’s a mindset she’s embraced whole-heartedly when it comes to her own weight-loss success.
Lauren started on her Diet-to-Go journey in January 2020 and has steadily lost 40 pounds over the course of a year, reaching her goal of 40 by age 40.
If you’ve ever felt like you’re legitimately powerless to stop eating junk food, even that it’s a compulsion, you’re not alone.
The research suggests that not only do people gain weight when they eat copious amounts of junk food, but it may even change the chemical balance in their brains, causing them to feel compelled to eat it in a way similar to addiction.
For 10 years working 10-12 hours a day as a school administrator, Cathrine wasn’t very kind to herself.
Now, after losing and maintaining a 100+ pound weight-loss, as well as dealing with isolation struggles due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cathrine believes self-care is an important part of her overall health — and she definitely makes it a priority.
Attending college in a foreign country is a very exciting thing, one that thousands of students do every single year. That was certainly the case for Diet-to-Go customer Brahim Mellah, who went to France eight years ago for college and had a blast seeing the country, attending parties and events and studying for a master’s degree.
But it also led to unwanted weight gain for the now-26 IT specialist.
After many failed starts and stops with other diet plans, Diet-to-Go was finally able to help Brahim rid himself of some of his unwanted weight.
We all have a critical voice — that nagging internal dialog and pattern of negative thoughts that can bring down our self esteem. It’s important to learn how to counter your critical voice to put a positive spin on things and look at life in a more optimistic way.
We have some tips on how to reframe your inner dialog to achieve those weight loss goals and gain a happier lease on life.
Every time you eat, you’re either preventing disease, or you’re inviting it. Studies show that saying can be viewed as especially true when it comes to eating fried foods - and the more fried foods you eat, the greater the risk becomes.
While it can be tempting to partake in deep fried foods (hello, French fries!), there ARE other methods of cooking that don’t pose as much risk to your health.
Living with Type 2 diabetes means you have to be more aware of your diet, ensuring you don’t eat foods with too many carbs or drink sugary beverages that can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. And while that should be Priority One, it’s okay to indulge every once in a while — as long as you do it safely and in moderation.
With the Covid pandemic closing or limiting capacity at your usual gym or fitness center, you might be looking to get in some of your activity outdoors. But, with winter weather comes colder temperatures, snow, rain, and shorter daylight hours. There are several things to be aware of when it comes to being outside in frosty temps.
Check out our 9 trusty tips for exercising safely in cold weather.
Your mornings set the tone for your entire day. That’s one of many reasons why eating a healthy breakfast is so critical to ensuring you have a productive day.
That can be challenging when you have an especially busy a.m. routine — or kiddos and a significant other to also help get out the door.
Luckily, there are plenty of tasty, simple recipes you can make ahead of time and have ready to roll for those hectic mornings.
Diabetes is a condition that effects over 32-million Americans, with an added 88-million adults suffering from pre-diabetes. Both can be scary diseases, but both can also be at least partially controlled through diet.
Research has shown that eating a plant-based diet that’s low in processed foods and high in whole unprocessed grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes can reduce the risk for diabetes and pre-diabetes.
Getting started on a vegetarian diet is one of the areas that Diet-to-Go can help you with! With two diets specifically designed to help people with Type-2 diabetes and pre-diabetes we're here to help you eat right, learn about proper portion size, get balanced nutrition, and even lose weight.*
Like the rest of the world, Cathrine Shinn faced many challenges in 2020 — navigating a pandemic, taking care of her parents, keeping up on her mental wellness and continuing to maintain her over 100-lb weight loss.
But for Cathrine, 2020 was also a year of important lessons, not the least of which was learning the difference between wants and needs.
We checked back in with Cathrine to see how her journey of weight loss and maintenance continues through 2020, and what lessons, tips, and tricks she might have to pass on to other Diet-to-Goers!
We love to hear what real customers have to say about our program and meals. These comments help us make our meals even more delicious, address concerns, and improve the overall experience. We also use these reviews when we're planning new meals for our menus!
We hope we've added some new favorites you'll enjoy trying and we can't wait for the feedback on the menu options!
The only person’s opinion that truly matters is your own. And knowing your own opinion of yourself — inside and out — plays a big role in how others see you, and how capable you are of finding happiness and achieving success with your goals.
It’s all well and good to set a goal, stop procrastinating and start it, use your time effectively and harness self-control, but one of the most critical steps to making your goal a reality is to find your motivation. Motivation can come from two places: within yourself, or from external factors. It doesn’t matter where you find it, the key is to do just that — find it.
We put together a list of 9 powerful ways to find your motivation, a mix of internal and external things you can do to find the enthusiasm necessary to carry on and make that goal a reality.