Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. 10 Healthy Beach Snacks That Travel Well (Plus 5 to Avoid at All Costs!)

    10 Healthy Beach Snacks That Travel Well (Plus 5 to Avoid at All Costs!)

    You've conquered couch snacking at home, you've mastered mindless munching at the office - but are you ready to abolish binging at the beach? Think that beach-friendly food only comes in a bag or a wrapper? Think again! Here are 10 of the best fresh beach snacks to toss in your tote this vacation! PLUS 5 you should avoid at all costs!

  2. How I'm Losing Weight with Diet-to-Go!

    How I'm Losing Weight with Diet-to-Go!

    An illness and weight-bloating medication left Belinda heavier than she'd ever been when she joined the Diet-to-Go sales team. But after five months receiving three meals a day, seven days a week from Diet-to-Go's traditional menu, she's celebrating being 30lbs leaner! Today she shares her story (plus her favorite DTG meals!)

  3. 'I Feel Unstoppable' Molly's Diet-to-Go Success Story

    'I Feel Unstoppable' Molly's Diet-to-Go Success Story

    Non-traditional work hours and overexposure to food were making it really hard for actress and waitress Molly Moffitt to stay in shape. But then she found Diet-to-Go. Now 51-pounds lighter, we're catching up with Molly to see how she did it. Get inspired by her story and motivated by her fabulous transformation photo!

  4. Beyond Burgers and Dogs: Healthy Summer Grilling Tips

    Beyond Burgers and Dogs: Healthy Summer Grilling Tips

    Now that summer is officially here, the days are longer, the sun is shining, and the smell of barbecue is drifting through your neighborhood. Grilling is an excellent option for those who are working on weight loss or maintaining their weight: not only does it maximize flavor without the use of heavy oils, creams, and sauces; but it’s delicious and doesn’t require turning on the oven. Here are a few ways to get the most out of your grilling this summer!

  5. Weight-Loss Success! How I'm Reaching My Goal Weight with Diet-to-Go

    Weight-Loss Success! How I'm Reaching My Goal Weight with Diet-to-Go

    Are you looking for some inspiration on your weight-loss journey? Check out the fabulous achievements of Maren Pedersen, a Diet-to-Go superstar! Just like Maren, you can do this, and Diet-to-Go can help! Get inspired and learn how Diet-to-Go helped Maren reach her goals and how we can help you do the same.

  6. How to Lose Weight (During and) After Menopause

    How to Lose Weight (During and) After Menopause

    It starts around age 30 – you start to notice that eating the same foods and doing the same activity no longer maintains weight. Worse still, is that the weight you do gain mostly sticks around your mid-section because of a shift in hormonal activity. But, don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom! There are several dietary fixes that can boost metabolism and diminish the effects of both middle-age and menopause.

  7. 10 Ways to Survive Your First Day at the Gym!

    10 Ways to Survive Your First Day at the Gym!

    So you’re heading to the gym for the first time...or at least thinking about it! Is the idea of walking into that building making you nervous? Feel like you have no idea what you are doing? Here are some serious and not so serious tips to having a great first experience at the gym!

  8. 5 Ways Mondays Can Help You Lose Weight

    5 Ways Mondays Can Help You Lose Weight

    Mondays -ugh. Back to work after the weekend, back to our diet after the splurges, back to the daily grind. But there's also something very powerful about Mondays that we can use to our advantage. Suddenly, having a case of "the Mondays" could be a very, VERY good thing. So when it comes to your least favorite day of the week, don't hate it, embrace it! Here's how:

  9. How To Set Yourself Up For Weight-Loss SUCCESS!

    How To Set Yourself Up For Weight-Loss SUCCESS!

    You’ve been so disciplined with your weight loss regimen - you hired a personal trainer, triumphantly threw out the ice cream, piously refused the donuts at work but, a couple of weeks into it, you are starting to lose your will. Will you be able to push through tough times? Or have you unwittingly set yourself up for failure? Try these 5 tips to set yourself up for weight-loss SUCCESS instead.

  10. Blast Belly Fat with These 7 Foods

    Blast Belly Fat with These 7 Foods

    Memorial Day weekend signals the beginning of summer – and that means it’s time to break out the swim suit! Blast belly fat and get in shape for the beach by incorporating the right foods in your diet. Research has proven that the following foods can help trim your mid-section, which is good news for not only your figure, but your heart too.

  11. 5 Surprising Ways to Get Your Protein (And Build More Muscle!)

    5 Surprising Ways to Get Your Protein (And Build More Muscle!)

    Research shows that eating protein, immediately after you finish your workout helps your muscles heal faster so you can do more work. It also speeds up your metabolism because it takes more energy to digest than other nutrients. OK, we get it, protein is good. So how do we get more of it? There are the old standbys – canned tuna fish, milk, chicken and steak, but if you’re looking for surprising and creative ways to sneak in more protein, read on!

  12. Understanding Calories

    Understanding Calories

    Calories are fuel that gives you the energy to do the things you want to do. It is best that your calories come from nutrient- and fiber- rich sources so that you feel satisfied and full. Nutrient-rich foods also fight disease and maintain proper organ function. However, you can maintain a healthy weight by eating any food as long as you stay within your personal calorie budget.

  13. 20 Fun Ways to Burn an Extra 200 Calories A Day!

    20 Fun Ways to Burn an Extra 200 Calories A Day!

    Regular exercise not only helps you to lose weight by burning excess calories but also boosts metabolism and gives you energy. Intentionally adding the activities on this list will step up your caloric burn—and the best part is—THEY’RE FUN!

  14. The Top 100 Healthy Lifestyle Blogs

    The Top 100 Healthy Lifestyle Blogs

    We've identified the Top 100 blogs in existence on fitness, nutrition, dieting, weight-loss, and mind-body health. These are the best resources for your healthy-living arsenal – the blogs with the soundest science-based information, the best free workouts and recipes, and the most kick-ass motivational content and inspirational people to support you on your journey.

  15. Highlights of Ingredients in Diet-to-Go Meals

    Highlights of Ingredients in Diet-to-Go Meals

    Premium, real food ingredients are the basis of every Diet-to-Go meal. Selecting fruits and vegetables of the highest quality gives us more control over the nutritional quality and presentation of our meals. We also choose local produce when it is in season to lessen our impact on the planet.

  16. Diet-to-Go Featured Food Producers

    Diet-to-Go Featured Food Producers

    Diet-to-Go chooses the highest quality producers when sourcing its foods. Read more about our featured producers:

  17. Top 10 Diet Hacks of Your Favorite Snacks

    Top 10 Diet Hacks of Your Favorite Snacks

    We all have our junk food vices. It’s fine to indulge every once in awhile, but what if you could make similar versions of your old favorites with healthier ingredients, less calories, and less fat? We went on a mission to find ten of your favorite splurges and then a recipe that promises the same flavor sans the fat. Check out these diet hacked snacks.

  18. 5 Creative Ways to Take Your Fitness Routine Outdoors This Spring!

    5 Creative Ways to Take Your Fitness Routine Outdoors This Spring!

    After exercising indoors all winter, the allure of spring has us itching to get outside. But if you've gotten used to your indoor workout, you might be unsure of where to start with your transition out of doors. Fear not! We've got you covered. These five fun activities will show you that you don’t need the treadmill or your weight bench for a great workout.

  19. Beyond Broccoli: 5 Delicious Ways to Eat Your Vegetables

    Beyond Broccoli: 5 Delicious Ways to Eat Your Vegetables

    Eating more vegetables is essential to a healthy diet and weight control - but it's time to think outside the broccoli steam bag! Before you get bored out of your mind and skip eating your greens altogether, here are five delicious ways to prepare your vegetables that you've got to try!

  20. How to Diet in the REAL WORLD

    How to Diet in the REAL WORLD

    On paper, sustaining a healthy diet and approach to eating is logical and easy. In the REAL WORLD? Not so much! No matter how strong our resolve, most of us are eventually challenged by travel, parties, snack cravings, eating out and more. With all that life throws your way, you might start to think it's impossible to stick to your goals, but with these tips, it can be easier than you think.

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