* Results may vary based on starting weight and adherence to the meal plan.
Trying to lose weight and get healthy is difficult enough by itself, but what if you had to do it while also serving as the primary caretaker of an ill loved one?
It may not sound like too much fun to most of us, but for Sheryl Walder, her mother’s Parkinson’s disease diagnosis was the catalyst to push her into finally taking the leap.
Last June, Sheryl’s mom was hospitalized for five weeks after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, causing tremors and shakes, with symptoms typically worsening over time.
Sheryl, a marketing executive, spent every single day in the hospital with her, rushing there after work and sitting by her bedside until 9 or 10 p.m.
“I was so busy. I had no time to think about shopping, cooking,” Sheryl said. “But weight is something I’ve always had issues with. I never really felt and thin, fit.”
Couple the lack of time with watching her mom while she struggled to rehabilitate, and Sheryl knew it was time to make I change.
“A good portion of [joining Diet-to-Go] was convenience, but I had been talking about losing weight prior too...I just never took the step to do it,” Sheryl said.
At 6 feet tall, Sheryl weighed 207 pounds when she joined Diet-to-Go’s 7-day, fresh pickup meal program.
“Price wise, you couldn’t beat the price of Diet-to-Go. It came out to $7.75 a meal,” she said. “You can’t eat out for that much! It was the best investment, and the food tasted good.”
Sheryl stuck with the program, and at the same time moved her mom into her house and began taking care of her full-time.
Seven months later, Sheryl weighed in at 160 pounds — 47 pounds lighter* than when she started. Since then, she’s been in maintenance mode.
“I’ve gotten so many compliments,” Sheryl said. “Last week, I went to our corporate office in Philadelphia. I hadn’t been down there since I started losing weight...and they actually asked me if I got taller. I guess I walked a little taller, had more confidence.”
Sheryl said it’s also helped her find happiness even while tending to her mom during difficult times.
“Some days are good, some days aren’t,” Sheryl said. “But I’m right where I want to be.”
And what advice does Sheryl have for other people?
“Everyone’s looking for the next quick fix. But the only thing that’s going to work is eating well and exercising, and cutting out the bad stuff.”
* Weight loss results may vary. Results not guaranteed.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is the Diet-to-Go community manager and an avid runner. She is passionate about engaging with others online and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. She believes moderation is key, and people will have the most weight loss success if they engage in common-sense healthy eating and fitness.