Magic weight loss foods: foods that - just by the simple act of eating them - result in weight loss. Wouldn't that be incredible? Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Losing weight isn't magic, it's math. And the math behind losing weight is pretty straightforward: consume fewer calories than you expend; 3,5000 calories per pound to be exact. In other words to lose just one pound of fat a week you'd need to eat 500 fewer calories each day or burn an extra 500 calories a day through exercise (or some combination thereof).
Admittedly not all calories are alike. Different foods react differently in our bodies. For example, foods with a high salt content cause us to retain water directly impacting the numbers on the scale. High fiber foods, on the other hand, cause us to feel full and help "clean" out our system making us appear thinner. But neither have a real impact on our weight. Are there really any magic weight loss foods?
The short answer is no. There is nothing that we can eat that will magically cause us to start losing weight. However, there are certain foods that can help speed up metabolism, make us feel full longer or suppress our appetite. And while they may not exactly reduce the fat around our waist, there are foods that can help eliminate gas and bloating at least giving the appearance of a flat stomach.
So next time you're at the grocery store, be sure to pick up the following items and incorporate them into your normal eating routine:
These are just some of the every day foods, foods that are readily available and easily incorporated into our diets, that help our bodies work more efficiently towards weight loss. Magic? No. Smart choices, yes.