It’s 7 p.m.: dinnertime. You just got home from a long day at work, running errands and sitting in rush-hour traffic for two hours, and you’re exhausted. Now comes the time when you decide if it’s worth the effort to cook at home, or if you should just grab your car keys and head to a restaurant instead.
Many Americans eat out 4-5 times per week, but is this a good substitute for preparing your own healthy meals at home? Is the convenience of a drive-thru or restaurant really worth the extra expenditure and worse – the excess calories? Between the cost, prep time and the pain of making heads-of-tails of portion sizes, which option is best?
Let’s break it down.
Source: University of Washington study
Source: MindBodyGreen
Portion-size is clearly out-of-control, but what about nutrition? Cooking at home gives you the ability to choose more balanced, healthy ingredients. Eating out provides convenience, but the facts about restaurant food are pretty scary.
Get this, the average restaurant meal contains a whopping 800-1,500 calories. And that’s not all: one study found that eating out more frequently is associated with obesity, higher BMI and increased risk of obesity-related diseases because calories in meals come from unsaturated fats, sugar and sodium. Just look at the nutritional content of some of American’s favorite restaurant meals:
Source: Lunch.com
So where does that leave us? Clearly, cooking your own healthy meal is the best way to lose weight and ensure you get the proper nutrition. But many of us don’t have the hours to do it properly.
Don’t worry. We here at Diet-to-Go recognize that you have a busy, hectic schedule. We understand that you often don’t have the time or energy to cook yourself wholesome food. That’s why we believe in providing a healthy, balanced diet delivery service to fit into your lifestyle at a competitive cost. We not only want you to enjoy delicious meals and lose weight while doing it, but also teach you about food: what a proper portion size looks like, what foods will keep you full and satisfied and how can you take what you learn and apply it for the rest of your life.
So how does Diet-to-Go compare with cooking at home and eating out? Let’s find out…
• Meals cost as little at $6.81 per meal (and there’s no tip required).
• We do the work for you. We measure portion-sizes to make them perfectly accurate. Not only does this take away the stress of trying to figure it out on your own, but it also arms you with the knowledge to understand what a proper portion-size looks like.
• Diet-to-Go gives you your time back. Meals take just minutes to prepare. There’s no long hours at the grocery store, no cleaning up and no hassle.
Diet-to-Go takes all the work out of it for you, giving you the best way to achieve your weight loss goals with convenience and affordability. What are you waiting for? There’s no better diet delivery service to help you lose weight and get healthy at an affordable cost.