Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. 5 Reasons (okay, EXCUSES) Why My Weight Hasn't Changed

    I just had my fourth weigh-in since starting my diet three weeks ago. While my first week's closing number of 225.2 surprised and excited me, things just haven't been moving in the right direction since then.

    Last week I was exactly the same weight; this week I am actually ONE POUND HEAVIER!

    It's disturbing and frustrating... but like any good dieter, I have EXCUSES -- five of them, in fact!

    Excuse #1: Faulty Equipment

    I'm referring to my scales.... yes scales. I went out and bought a new one after last week's shocking weigh-in results. I realize this category could very well refer to my body's faulty metabolism, but I'd need a doctor and tests to verify that and blaming a machine is just so much easier.

    I started my diet with a cheap scale I bought at K-Mart. The $19 price tag should have been a warning, but I was looking for value not accuracy.

    My wife came home from shopping the other day with a brand new Weight Watchers scale. I tried both scales this morning and since the WW scale registered 0.6 pounds lighter than my generic model, I vowed to stand by it -- and on it -- throughout my weight-loss adventure!

    Excuse #2: Football Playoffs

    For six of the last seven days, I stuck very close to my meal plan. But on Sunday, I rested my diet resolve and watched a doubleheader of NFL action. And what's football-viewing without beer? Well, not as traditional I say!

    So I slurped up a few beers (four 64-calorie Miller Genuine Drafts) and fumbled away my willpower. When the host of the football party I attended bounded into the basement with a bowl of sausage balls, I was doomed. "One or two" led to eight or 10.

    And that led to a sampling of the buffalo style boneless chicken wings. I convinced myself the chicken was the healthier white meat variety but I am not sure what the sauce added.

    Oh, and did I mention that the hostess had prepared a special punch? I hate to be a bad guest so I tried it... and by trying it I mean I had two large cups not those baby-sized glasses one associates with a punch bowl.

    The fact that I had blown my resolve that day made it easier to swallow the fact I also devoured two large cookies after returning home.

    Alcohol and dieting do not mix. It's not the few drinks that'll kill your diet. It's the lowering of your resolve that leads to bingeing and regret!

    Excuse #3: Light Cream

    I love my coffee light. I love my coffee with light cream. Light cream has 30 calories per tablespoon. I don't measure; I dump!

    I have also had several days where I had a morning and afternoon cup. Double your pleasure, double your fat and calories! As of today, I am back to ONE cup of coffee a day... and I will TRY to lighten the amount of light cream that I use.

    Excuse #4: No Exercise

    I do get to run a little with the youth basketball teams I coach, however that does not add up to much activity for a 7-day week.

    At home I have free weights and a bench. I also have a treadmill. I even have a large dog who really needs daily walks. I find plenty of time to watch my favorite TV shows.

    I really have no excuses here, do I?

    Excuse #5: Winter Weight

    This is by far the lamest of my excuses, however bear with me. Animals bulk up over the winter so isn't it easy to accept that humans should follow suit?

    Many of us are thin-skinned so it makes perfect sense to me that Mother Nature nudges us towards another layer of winter fat so we can survive and thrive.

    So maybe I should put my diet on ice and wait for springtime for my get lean time. Or maybe not...

    Enough with the excuses. It's time to patch up the holes in my diet and get serious about getting healthy.

    I am 5-foot-7 and 225 pounds. That's not a good thing.

    I work for a diet company and I have plenty of access to nutrition and fitness professionals. That is a good thing.

    So even though this week was a weight-loss washout, I remain just shy of 10 pounds down.

    Here are my favorite Diet-to-Go low-fat foods from the week (not counting the sausage balls or boneless wings!):

    Mr. Bad Food's 5 Favorite Meals

    -- Apple pancakes with turkey sausages and maple syrup

    -- Whitefish parmesan with baby carrots and a honey wheat roll

    -- Stir-fry chicken with oriental veggies and brown rice

    -- Tuna meltovers on mini pitas (three!) and a peach crisp

    -- Shrimp fettucini with broccoli and a honey wheat roll

    Lots of good food and loads of great taste. See ya back here next Wednesday for my Week 4 weigh-in!

    Author: John McGran

    Archived posts 2010
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