If ever there were a husband-wife duo who had the chops to back up what they’re selling, it’s Hilda and Randy. And the good news? They’re not really “selling” you anything. They’re two people who care about their faith and want to use their own experiences getting healthy using a low-carb diet to help guide others to wholesome wellness, too. Randy lost more than 70 pounds and overcame Type II diabetes and hypertension, and Hilda is a survivor of the Guillan Barre Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Now, both of them are pastors who blog delicious, healthy recipes, plus insightful, impactful truths about finding healthy and wholesome lives. Pretty powerful stuff.
Top Post: Easy Keto Cornbread (Skillet)
“Randy and I endeavor to bring clarity to the issue of wellness using our personal stories of transformation to inspire others.”
Living with Type 2 diabetes for Anna is an art, not a science. She doesn’t believe in many of the common misconceptions about Type 2 diabetes, but rather takes an empathetic approach that can lead to real results. Anna’s blog has it all — recipes, a “Thursday bumper sticker” (because we all need a laugh or two in life), personal successes, you name it. Through her words you’ll find the connection and encouragement to carry on through your own struggles...and maybe even overcome them.
Top Post: The Skinny on Diabetes
“In my opinion, diabetes is an art and not a science; hence most everything comes by way or trial and error.”
Mike is an authentic person. He’s never held back with his struggles with being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure, and his goal is to help others with theirs. Even when it turned out that Mike had been misdiagnosed for years, and actually had Latent Autoimmune Diabetes (rather than Type 2), Mike’s commitment to using his own story to empower others never wavered. On Mike’s blog, you’ll find honest, authentic posts about his daily battle with his health and 10 years of struggles to stay on top of it — and help others do the same.
Top Post: A Gastric Emptying Study and an Answer
“There is no shame in going to a doctor. Your health is too important not to go. Just make the most of the life and health that you have. Live each day to the fullest, take care of yourself.”
People who have Type 2 diabetes experience it for different reasons, at different stages in their lives and with different outcomes. Luckily, “The Type 2 Experience” was created by a group of friends who have Type 2 diabetes, but all have different backgrounds. The goal is to inspire others no matter what stage they’re at in their journey through sharing experiences that create a sense of community, compassion and honesty. The site has great information about everything from holiday survival guides for people with diabetes, to struggles with exercise, motivation and more.
Top Post: Surviving the Holidays With the Diabetes Police
“Our wish is that by sharing our personal experiences, which vary greatly when it comes to type 2 diabetes, we will be able to work on the many misconceptions about our condition and educate people about the value of community, honesty, compassion and mutual understanding.”
Diabetes management takes three key things: education, empowerment and inspiration — and “dBlog” is the place to find it. And it’s not just the surfacey stuff. “dBlog” shares valuable information about nutrition and fitness, and it also dives deep into the emotional issues associated with diabetes. Posts address things like “Is it my fault I have diabetes?”, studies and guides for traveling, eating right and glucose monitoring devices. It’s a wealth of information at your fingertips.
Top Post: 14 Foods to Avoid (or Limit) on a Low-Carb Diet
“We want to break out of the clinical box and put care and control in the consumer’s hands.”
If you have diabetes, you know: Staying on top of the latest information and constantly consuming tips is critical to your treatment plan. And that’s exactly the kinds of things you’ll find on the “Diabetes Self-Management” blog. Product reviews, triggers, insulin monitoring information, recent studies, recipes and more fill the online pages. It’s a goldmine of information at your fingertips.
Top Post: Blood Sugar Chart: What’s the Normal Range for Blood Sugar?
“On this website, you’ll find a roundup of expert tips, knowledge, and insights about diabetes self-care written by health-care professionals and people with diabetes, as well as reports about late-breaking diabetes news.”
The way Carolyn sees it, she didn’t choose the low-carb lifestyle — it chose her. Carolyn was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her third pregnancy, forcing her to find new ways to enjoy her lifelong passion for baking and cooking. She turns common, high-carb recipes into keto-friendly deliciousness — and throws in keto meal plans for good measure.
Top Post: Homemade Chicharrones (Pork Rinds)
“I have discovered that with a little ingenuity and some perseverance, many high-carb recipes can be made over into low-carb treats without sacrificing flavor.”
Kelly was first diagnosed with diabetes when she was just 8 years old. Her longtime experience managing the disease has led to her becoming a go-to advocate and information source for others. Her blog is humorous and wholesome and packed with tips, insights, wellness and her daily happenings.
Top Post: Dear CrossFit: My Diabetes Homies & I Would Like You To Know...
“I love the ocean, believe laughter is key and I don’t take this life for granted and do the work required to live my best life. I laugh every day and am passionately spreading the word about living a great life with diabetes.”
There’s a reason “Hangry Woman” is a destination blog for countless men and women who are living with Type 2 diabetes. Mila started the blog as a resource after receiving her own Type 2 diabetes diagnosis and wanting a place with solid resources for everything from travel, to self-care, to management, to cooking and more. Mila’s goal is to use her crafty, engaging writing style to let people know they don’t have to be ashamed and can live a fulfilling life with Type 2 diabetes. And she does one heck of a job doing just that.
Top Post: Free Carb-Counter Apps for Your Low-Carb Diet
“I started Hangry Woman with one goal – to make sure that people with Type 2 diabetes didn’t feel like they needed to live a life of shame while talking about their illness.”
A list of top diabetic blogs wouldn’t be complete with Shelby’s top-rated blog included. Shelby grew up in a home chock full of Southern cooking. She was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 1999 and was able to lose 30 pounds and manage it through fitness and healthy eating. Over the years, she gained the weight back and eventually realized it was time for a change. Shelby started experimenting with food on her own and quickly realized she had a talent for making healthy, wholesome meals that were diabetic-friendly and still tasted amazing. “Diabetic Foodie” was born and is packed with recipes that run the gamut: desserts, drinks, lunches, appetizers, dinners, you name it.
Top Post: Easy Low-Sodium Homemade Salsa
“I firmly believe a diabetes diagnosis is not a dietary death sentence. … I’ve found that if I track what I eat, keep my daily calorie intake at about 1600 and monitor my blood glucose and weight, I do okay. I’m hoping that by sharing my philosophy of eating and some of my recipes, I’ll be able to help you do okay too.”
It’s not every day you come across a diabetes blog from a man who grew up in the restaurant business and knows the ins and outs of restaurant-quality dishes. Lucky for us, that’s exactly what Ward is: a man with Type 2 diabetes who also happens to have an insatiable passion for cooking and living healthy. He’s an experienced chef and the recipes on his site (breakfasts, small bites, desserts, sauces, meats) are creative and delicious.
Top Post: Apple Custard Tart
“The reason for my website is to celebrate our limitations, expand our menu choices, and applaud every positive step we make, every ounce we lose, every point our numbers go down.”
Living with diabetes is better with friends: That’s the idea behind “Diabetes Sisters,” a place to find peer support, resources, helpful tips and education. Brandy has been living with Type 1 diabetes since 1990. She created the blog in 2008 after spending her life learning about diabetes, even obtaining a psychology degree and a master’s in social work to learn about how the mind managed chronic diseases. Brandy wanted the blog to provide much-needed support and resources for others living with diabetes — and more than 12,000 members later, that’s exactly what it has become.
Top Post: Does Sugar in My Urine Mean I Have Diabetes?
“I find ways to fit diabetes into my life — just like I fit brushing my teeth and showering in every day. It is a part of my everyday routine, but it DOES NOT control my everyday routine.”
Vidya knows that being diabetic can be challenging. It IS manageable, but there are days when it can seem too cumbersome to bear. That’s why Vidya set out to arm herself with all the information possible to live a happy, healthy life. And that’s what the rest of us get to enjoy on her blog. There, Vidya shares what she learns through actionable tips and hacks that are easy to implement into a daily routine. In short, Vidya makes it easy to show diabetes who’s boss.
Top post: Manage Stress, Manage Diabetes
“I shudder to think that India has been mentioned as the diabetes capital of the world. Should we not take good care of ourselves? Rather than waste energy on worry, why not take action and help ourselves stay healthy?”
What better way to find inspiration than to read real stories about managing and even beating diabetes than from others who have been there, done that? That’s what you’ll find at “Diabetes Stops Here,” the inspirational brainchild of the American Heart Association. The blog is a catalogue of true stories from people who understand what it’s like to live with diabetes and work hard to deal with it. Also in the mix are posts providing resources, tips, information, research and much, much more.
Top Post: Drive to Stop Diabetes
“This blog is [meant] to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what the Association does on a daily basis to fulfill its mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and improve the lives of all people living with diabetes.”
Can alcohol impact diabetes? How can I use a diet to control my diabetes? What foods should I avoid? What meal plan is best for me? These are just a few of the questions answered on the numerous Diabetes Blogs posts on BattleDiabetes.com. The blog marries lifestyle, fitness, food and medical information on one easy-to-navigate platform to help ensure diabetes management is not a place to feel overwhelmed, but rather to feel inspired.
Top Post: What is Diabetic Dumping Syndrome?
When you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes, it can be a whirlwind of strong emotions, confusion and even despair. Enter Phyllisa. Phyllisa is a huge advocate for diabetes patients, providing a fresh, insightful perspective to blogging about diabetes. Phylissa’s blogging is an outlet for her own Type 2 diagnosis, and she uses it to help educate others on navigating the ins and outs of diabetes with inspirational posts about fitness, traveling, faith-based perspectives, recipes and more. Phylissa even runs a diabetes support group and is an active member of and contributor to many online resources for people with diabetes, such as Black Diabetic Info (a website dedicated to providing accurate, culturally-competent information about diabetes in black communities), The Type 2 Experience, HealthCentral, Everyday Health and Health Union.
Top Post: Changes in One’s Diet is Not a Cure For Diabetes
“If you are living with diabetes, Phyllisa wants you to know that you’re diagnosed, but you are NOT defeated!”
Several bloggers contribute to the DiabeticLifestyle Blogs section of On-Track Diabetes, a website dedicated to providing resources that support people living with every type of diabetes as well as their families and caregivers. The DiabeticLifestyle Blogs feature success stories, research, reviews and off-the-beaten-cuff posts like finding love with diabetes, closet cleanouts and medical insurance information.
Top Post: Pasta and Diabetes: 5 Healthy Ways to Eat Pasta
“Don’t mess around with blood sugar levels that are out of whack. Don’t ignore symptoms as they arise from time to time. Pay attention to your health — every single day.”
A community of people come together to share what it’s like when your life is touched by diabetes. The site includes it all — tips on managing diabetes, a diabetes terms glossary, questions and answers, you name it. It’s people helping people — and it’s nothing short of beautiful.
Top Post: An Argument for Kindness in the Diabetes World
“Diabetes is rough, no matter what kind you have, so have some compassion for your brothers and sisters who also deal with high and low blood sugars, counting carbs, taking medication, insurance fights and fearing complications. Kindness will get us further than stigma and othering ever will.”
Rachel believes in the healing power of yoga — and for good reason. Since finding out she had Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA) in 2008, she’s leveraged the art of yoga to manage all the rough edges that come with such a diagnosis. She’s been doing yoga since she was 17, and she literally wrote the book on how yoga can be used to find peace and happiness, even with diabetes. Rachel’s been featured in several online blogs and several publications have named her blog as among the best in the world.
Top Post: Yoga Mudras for Diabetes
“I [am] passionate about the deeper aspects of yoga and its ability to heal and inspire.”
When you have diabetes, you often have to change your diet — and that can be a huge struggle in the beginning. That’s why Biz spends countless hours in the kitchen crafting diabetic-friendly, delicious, easy-to-make recipes that we’re lucky enough to receive via her blog. Biz’s husband passed away in 2014, and she uses cooking as an outlet to manage her busy life as a mom, as well as soothe her soul. Biz has also had her own battle with weight loss over the years, something she still manages on a day-to-day basis. But she’s not giving up, and with the help of her yummy meals, you don’t have to either.
Top Post: Skinny Pizza Dough
“I am an insulin dependent diabetic (Type 2), trying to navigate all the delicious food out there, all the while maintaining my blood sugar levels. It’s quite a battle!”
Did we miss your favorite diabetes blog? Share it in the comment below, and we’ll see if we can include it in our next roundup!
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is the Diet-to-Go community manager and an avid runner. She is passionate about engaging with others online and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. She believes moderation is key, and people will have the most weight loss success if they engage in common-sense healthy eating and fitness.