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  1. 27 Store-Bought Packaged Snacks Under 150 Calories

    27 Store-Bought Packaged Snacks Under 150 Calories

    At Diet-to-Go, we believe in common sense healthy eating. That means that while we advocate a diet rich in foods like vegetables, fruits and lean proteins, we also understand that sometimes you just need something pre-packaged that you can grab on the go.

    Eat fresh when you can, but when you absolutely need a pre-packaged snack, try one of these 27 store-bought options for 150 cal or less!

  2. How Diet-to-Go Helped Transform 6 Couples' Lives on National Reality TV Show

    How Diet-to-Go Helped Transform 6 Couples' Lives on National Reality TV Show

    Imagine starting a weigh-loss journey just 90 days before your wedding and not seeing your partner until the big day. That’s the premise of the hit TV show Altar’d on Z Living network.

    For the three months leading up to their weddings, six couples shed pounds by exercising and eating right. And it was Diet-to-Go that provided all the food leading up to the altar reveal.

    Now that this season has ended, we’re revealing the before-and-after’s of each of the six couples, as well as their touching stories — and real testimonials about their Diet-to-Go meals.

  3. 10 Healthy D.C. Restaurants You Have to Try

    10 Healthy D.C. Restaurants You Have to Try

    For Diet-to-Go customers, meal-time can be as set as you want it to be. You might never have to ask, what's for dinner? again.

    But what about those days when you just want to get out of the house and try something new? Whatever the reason, when you head to a restaurant, we want you to be as prepared as possible and know where to go to get the healthiest (and still delicious) meals in your city.

    And so, we're starting a mini feature series to share our 10 favorite healthy restaurants in the five cities where we offer fresh pickup. The restaurants featured are sure to light up your taste buds while still keeping you in-line with your weight loss goals.

    Our first stop? Washington D.C.

  4. Low-Calorie Versions of Google's 5 Most Searched Recipes of 2016

    Low-Calorie Versions of Google's 5 Most Searched Recipes of 2016

    With all the recipes online, there’s enough cooking and baking to keep us busy for the rest of our lives. But among the fruit salads, pork chops, chocolate chip cookies and everything else, there were five recipes that people were really clamoring to try. Google’s 2016 most-searched recipes, included a combination of healthy and not-so-healthy, with a good mix of classic and new. We found the top 5 most popular recipes searched— and provided our favorite and tastiest low-calorie adaptations.

  5. 7 Sweet and 7 Savory Healthy, Delicious (And Filling!) Grab-and-Go Breakfasts

    7 Sweet and 7 Savory Healthy, Delicious (And Filling!) Grab-and-Go Breakfasts

    Why does everyone always talk about how important it is to eat breakfast? Is it really such a big deal? The short answer? Yes, very.

    Experts have a laundry list of reasons why — everything from kick-starting your metabolism, to helping you consume fewer calories during the day, to improving your productivity, and even keeping your mood lifted. Here are some healthy and delicious breakfast options!

  6. The 10 Best 20-Minute (or less) Workouts

    The 10 Best 20-Minute (or less) Workouts

    The most critical part of losing weight is eating a healthy diet, but exercise is important too. But what if you don’t have time to hit the gym for an hour? Luckily, the Internet is chock-full of powerful workout routines lasting just 20 minutes or less!

    We gave our fingertips a little exercise and rounded up the 10 best quick workouts from around the Web in one neat little list. These routines are sure to get your heart-rate up while still keeping within your busy schedule.

  7. A Success Story Begins: Gary Jackson’s Little Victory with Diet-to-Go Spells a Big Happy, Healthy Future

    A Success Story Begins: Gary Jackson’s Little Victory with Diet-to-Go Spells a Big Happy, Healthy Future

    Sometimes, it’s the little things that make our weight loss journey worthwhile. That’s certainly true for Gary Jackson, a 62-year-old Marine Corps retiree who started Diet-to-Go in September. At 5 feet, 10 inches, Gary’s 227-pound weight and decades of unhealthy eating was finally starting to drag him down enough that he decided it was time for a change. And he found just what he was after with Diet-to-Go!

  8. 7 Reasons to Walk Right Now

    7 Reasons to Walk Right Now

    The idea of working out can be off-putting, especially to those of us who have never done it, don’t want to do it or simply can’t do it. Honestly, who wants to spend an hour in the gym pouring sweat and checking the clock every 10 seconds until it’s finally over? On the same token, long, vigorous bicycle rides, runs or swims may also not be an option. And guess what? That’s OK. Because luckily, most of us can take a walk — and there are so many reasons why we should.

  9. 10 Health & Weight Loss Newsletters You Have to Sign Up For

    10 Health & Weight Loss Newsletters You Have to Sign Up For

    There’s a lot of great health information out there. So much, in fact, that finding time to keep up with each individual magazine, website, blog, newspaper, etc. is darn near impossible. Fortunately, there is one thing we check pretty much every day, all day — our email. And even more fortunately, you can get all the wellness information you need to stay on top of your health delivered right to your inbox via free email newsletters. Here are our favorites!

  10. Our 5 Favorite Fall Fruits & Veggies (And 10 Recipes to Go With Them)

    Our 5 Favorite Fall Fruits & Veggies (And 10 Recipes to Go With Them)

    Autumn produce has a wide range of textures and tastes, and they make the perfect segue into making creative dishes that will inspire you to eat healthy and prove that it’s delicious to do so.

    We rounded up our favorite creative recipes, one main dish and one dessert, for our five favorite (and easy-to-find) fall fruits and veggies.

  11. Meet the Generous, Hardcore Woman Who Lost 82 Pounds* with Diet-to-Go

    Meet the Generous, Hardcore Woman Who Lost 82 Pounds* with Diet-to-Go

    Tina's weight ballooned out of control, during and after the loss of her mother, but at 262 pounds and diagnosed with pre-diabetes, she knew it was time to make a change.

    Since starting Diet-to-Go in January 2016, she has lost 82 pounds (and counting) and her doctor is completely stunned at her results.

  12. 6 Reasons You Should Exercise as a Couple

    6 Reasons You Should Exercise as a Couple

    Easy — the camaraderie, the support, the motivation, the like-mindedness, heck, even the ability others have to get our minds off how tough it is sometimes.

    So it should go without saying that doing it with someone close to you has even more benefits — including a host of them for your relationship. Yes, it turns out that exercising with your significant other has some significant positive effects on you both!

    How, exactly? We’ve rounded up 6 ways exercising with your partner can be a bonding experience and a way to keep you on-track.

  13. 7 Diabetes-Friendly Creative Snack Recipes

    7 Diabetes-Friendly Creative Snack Recipes

    When you have diabetes and you’re trying to lose weight, choosing the right snacks can get a little tricky, especially if you want to work in some new flavors.

    Read on to get seven diabetes-friendly creative snack recipes plus the Diet-to-Go quick, easy diabetic snack list.

    Not diabetic or pre-diabetic? Still read on! These snacks are great options for anyone looking to keep snacks low in sugar and carbs.

  14. Nurse Finds Perfect Diet Delivery Solution in Diet-to-Go

    Nurse Finds Perfect Diet Delivery Solution in Diet-to-Go

    Knowledgeable and health-savvy nurse, Tricia Mamer, has tried many diet delivery plans in the last few years — Ultimate Food, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, you name it. But it wasn't until she found Diet-to-Go that she finally found healthy and great tasting diet success!

  15. 10 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success (And Pro Tips to Avoid Them)

    10 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success (And Pro Tips to Avoid Them)

    It’s your weekly weigh-in. You hop on the scale, thinking you did pretty well this past week, and then the disappointment creeps in — not much of a difference.

    But before you throw in the towel, make sure that you’re not doing something that’s sabotaging your success, something simple that you may not have even noticed.

  16. How Diet-to-Go helped a stressed, devoted researcher regain his health

    How Diet-to-Go helped a stressed, devoted researcher regain his health

    The demands of obtaining a doctorate degree are extremely high. It’s stressful, time-consuming and for many post-bachelor’s-degree students, it also takes a toll on their health.

    It certainly did for James Crispo, a former postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. But he discovered Diet-to-Go and turned it all around.

  17. 5 Fitness Personalities and Their Ideal Exercise Routine

    5 Fitness Personalities and Their Ideal Exercise Routine

    The people who are most successful sticking to and achieving their fitness goals are those who create an exercise plan that jives best with their individual personality.

    It’s called a “Fitness Personality,” and by figuring out which one you are, you can create an exercise plan that will keep you motivated and consistent.

  18. Why the Paleo Diet is Nonsense

    Why the Paleo Diet is Nonsense

    During the paleolithic age (about 2.6 million years ago), our ancestors ate a diet of mainly of fish, nuts, berries and game, and hunted using tools made from stone or bone. Their nutritional map was pretty much whatever they could scavenge from the land. The cavemen of that time were foraging for the barest of essentials to simply survive, and the fact that, one day, modern humans would adopt their tenuous version of sustenance makes about as little sense as humanity suddenly abandoning cell phones in favor of smoke signals.

  19. 9 Ideas for Exercising Safely and Effectively in the Summer Heat

    9 Ideas for Exercising Safely and Effectively in the Summer Heat

    Summer may be halfway over, but some of the hottest days are still ahead of us.

    And that means safety is a concern, especially for those of us who pack in a bit of exercise (which, by the way, is a great way to up your calorie budget and make room for a few snacks throughout the day).

  20. Considering Gluten-Free? Why It’s Probably Not Necessary (and May Even Be Bad for You)

    Considering Gluten-Free? Why It’s Probably Not Necessary (and May Even Be Bad for You)

    Gluten-free is a craze that has inserted itself as one of the most popular dieting and weight loss trends since the turn of the century.

    But, in reality, it’s probably not necessary for most of us and may even be harmful.

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