Health issues, lack of motivation and energy, fad diets and a general misery in life — these were all the things Sinora Glenn felt in December of 2016.
But now, just over a year later, those are distant memories for Sinora. Sinora has lost a total of 60 pounds, more weight than she ever lost at once and weight that will never come back.
And it all started with a phone call, one that would change Sinora’s life.
In September 2016, Sinora found out she would be one of the participants of “This Time Next Year,” a Lifetime show focusing on how people achieve a specific goal over the course of one year.
For 47-year-old Sinora, it was a familiar goal: Lose weight and get her health back. Sinora, at 5’4” tall and 270 pounds, fully started her journey in December.
“I am so grateful that...I had the opportunity to change my life. What makes me more committed this time is I’m being held liable,” Sinora said, referring to her role on the TV show.
Lifetime tracked Sinora’s progress throughout the year, which included regular weigh-ins and checks on her diet, meals provided by Diet-to-Go.
And it was that consistency that helped Sinora stay committed to do her success, a missing piece she’d had throughout her life. Like so many others, Sinora had struggled with weight her entire life, and had often turned to unhealthy behaviors like yo-yo dieting to combat it.
“I have definitely dieted for decades. For me, it was all consistency. This time it’s so different because I’ve been consistent the entire time,” Sinora said.
And being held accountable by Lifetime — and subsequently her family and friends — was the catalyst Sinora needed to continue fighting and losing weight.
“Once I became held liable for my successes, a light bulb clicked in my head..ok I’ve lost 10 lbs, now 20, I held myself accountable for what I did.”
Sinora also started exercising, something she’d never really committed to before.
“I do cardio. I do treadmill. I commit to 4-5 days a week. I do the elliptical. I have now included the free-weights in the plan. I feel just as good as I look,”
It’s paid off, too.
Before she started on her weight loss journey, Sinora was battling numerous health issues, including high blood pressure, which can ultimately lead to heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S.
“I went to the doctor and got a CBC (complete blood count) done, and my doctor called me on the phone and I was so nervous, and he said, ‘Sinora…’ I said ‘Ummm, um, Dr. Stark?’’ And he said, ‘Sinora I had to call you to tell you that all your blood work came back perfect,” Sinora said. “I had so many health issues, and now they’re all gone.”
Cheat days? Sinora has them. Without them, it would be impossible to stay fully committed, she said.
Diet-to-Go meals, she added, provide just that.
“I’m always able to always select the things I want,” Sinora said referring to the myDiettogo online portal that allows customers to customize and substitute their meals. “I’m a big turkey eater, and I also eat chicken and fish. My Diettogo plan always had those three things.”
Plus, the ease of staying on-track provided by Diet-to-Go meals leaves room for treats now and then, too.
“Am I consistent with eating right all the time? Some of the time. If I need a slice of a cake, I’ll have one. But do I do it all the time? No,” Sinora said.
That’s the same advice she imparts on others who want to be successful losing weight, too.
“If you have a slice of cake today, don’t allow one thing to let you fall completely off the wagon,” Sinora said. “Don’t be that girl.”
Sinora’s goal is to reach 180 pounds, but that she’s going to take her time getting there.
* Weight loss results may vary. Results not guaranteed.
Author: Caitlin H
Diet-to-Go Community Manager
Caitlin is the Diet-to-Go community manager and an avid runner. She is passionate about engaging with others online and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. She believes moderation is key, and people will have the most weight loss success if they engage in common-sense healthy eating and fitness.