Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Our Immune System (and How to Eat the Foods That Support It)

    Our Immune System (and How to Eat the Foods That Support It)

    If you're like most, living in a pandemic has you thinking about ways to stay healthy. Luckily, our bodies have a built-in defense mechanism that works hard to keep viruses at bay and us living longer and healthier- our immune system.

    See how you can start helping to boost your immunity today!

  2. 6 Frequently Asked Questions for Fitness Beginners

    6 Frequently Asked Questions for Fitness Beginners

    If you’ve never really worked out before, or at least haven’t done so with any measure of consistency, it can seem pretty daunting to start. Whatever you do... don't let these frequently asked questions keep you from starting your journey to a healthier, more fit lifestyle.

    We've rounded up six FAQs fitness beginners ask and expert responses. Check out these tips that will help you navigate the noise, stay consistent, and definitely find that long-term success you've been looking for!

  3. Boost Your Walking Regimen to the Next Level

    Boost Your Walking Regimen to the Next Level

    Exercising for hours on end in a gym or pounding the pavement by running isn’t for everyone. Ya know what? That's ok! What's important is that you get your body moving!

    Walking is a popular, low-impact exercise that can fit into almost any schedule! It's a great way to get out in the fresh air or can be done inside on a treadmill when the weather doesn't cooperate.

    If walking is your exercise of choice... try these tips to take your stepping to the next level!

  4. 3 Expert Ways to Make Those Healthy Habits Stick

    3 Expert Ways to Make Those Healthy Habits Stick

    Sometimes bad habits are created when we are young and unless we choose to change them, are hardwired to last a lifetime. Those old routines can sometimes feel impossible to override while attempting to create healthier habits.

    Here are 3 simple ways to incorporate new healthier habits into your daily life while kicking those old ones to the curb! 

  5. 5 Fall Fruits That Star in some Tasty Treats

    5 Fall Fruits That Star in some Tasty Treats

    Seasonal fruit may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think autumn favorites, but fall fruit recipes can truly add some comfy, cozy, HEALTHY dishes to the season.

    We've collected 5 simple recipes to add to your repertoire of fall fruit treats. 

  6. 5 Methods to Stop Nighttime Snacking in Its Tracks

    5 Methods to Stop Nighttime Snacking in Its Tracks

    Ah, the late night snack — 9 p.m. rolls around, you find yourself a bit bored, mindlessly wandering into the kitchen, opening the cupboard or fridge and grabbing a handful of chips or a cookie.

    For many of us, it’s a familiar routine.

    Nighttime eating or snacking is a tough habit to break, but we can help you make a change!

  7. Cathrine's Corner: How Diet-to-Go STILL Works After 3 Years

    Cathrine's Corner: How Diet-to-Go STILL Works After 3 Years

    When Cathrine Shinn started with Diet-to-Go in January 2017, she figured that it would be like many times in the past: initial weight loss that she’d quickly gain back just as she had on all the other diet programs she’d tried. Now, going on three years later, Cathrine has not only lost more than 100 pounds, she’s also maintained that weight loss. 

    Hear from Cathrine how Diet-to-Go works, and why she still continues to be a happy customer.

  8. 4 Steps to Successfully Lose Weight With Your Partner

    4 Steps to Successfully Lose Weight With Your Partner

    While your weight-loss journey is your own, it can be extremely beneficial to have a partner to battle those excess pounds. A partner can help you have accountability, motivate you, commiserate with you, help you stay on track, and push you to go that extra mile. Let's point that partnership towards success!

  9. Fall Is a Great Time to Become a Runner — Here Are 8 Ways to Succeed

    Fall Is a Great Time to Become a Runner — Here Are 8 Ways to Succeed

    Have you ever thought "I wonder if I could be a runner?" Well, Fall is the perfect time to try it out! With longer days, cooler temps, and less humidity there are a lot of positive points for Fall running. So... what are you waiting for? Let's go for a run!

  10. Busy Mom Sheds 34 Pounds Ahead of 40th Birthday

    Busy Mom Sheds 34 Pounds Ahead of 40th Birthday

    Realizing she was suddenly at her heaviest weight ever, and had inched up two sizes, this busy mom challenged herself to lose 40 pounds before turning 40. With a one year deadline she decided to give Diet-to-Go a try.

  11. 12 Labor Day Side Dishes That Will Wow Your Tastebuds

    12 Labor Day Side Dishes That Will Wow Your Tastebuds

    The end of summer is near, which can be a bit sad for those of us who really love the warm nights on the patio, the long golden hours and, of course, the summer style foods. For this year’s end-of-the-summer menus, whip up some tasty, light, refreshing side dishes that don't add as much to the daily calorie-count.

    We rounded up 12 of our favorite healthy Labor Day side dishes that are sure to make your mouth water!

  12. 7 Ways to Eat Mindfully and Improve Your Relationship with Food

    7 Ways to Eat Mindfully and Improve Your Relationship with Food

    The key to lasting success with weight loss, and sustaining a healthy weight, is to change your relationship with food. You've been building that relationship your whole life, and it will take effort to change it. We're sharing seven ways to help you become more mindful and to create a healthier relationship with food and how you think about eating.

  13. How Your Weight Plays a Role in Brain Function

    How Your Weight Plays a Role in Brain Function

    Ever had a day where you feel like your brain just isn’t all there? Maybe even multiple days? Your weight may not only effect how well you feel... but also how well you think! One way to shake off that sluggish feeling, both body and mind, may be to work at shedding some of those unwanted pounds. 

  14. 3 Food Groups That May Help Prevent Type-2 Diabetes

    3 Food Groups That May Help Prevent Type-2 Diabetes

    Diabetes may not be something you think about on a regular basis, but experts say eating more of these 3 food groups may help keep blood sugar levels in check and ward off disease!

  15. 10 Fresh, Scrumptious Mediterranean Diet Recipes for Beginners

    10 Fresh, Scrumptious Mediterranean Diet Recipes for Beginners

    The Mediterranean Diet uses wholesome, fresh ingredients like vegetables, whole-grain pasta and bread and healthy fats, as well as herbs and spices to create satisfying, delicious meals that can help lead to a longer, healthier life. Here are 10 recipes to get your Mediterranean journey started!

  16. Mediterranean Diet 101

    Mediterranean Diet 101

    In the 1960s, the people of Italy, Greece, Spain, southern France and Portugal seemed to know about something the rest of the world didn’t: that consuming a diet high in healthy fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, vegetables and nuts could add years to a person’s life. And, it’s just the thing for us to reconnect, rebuild our relationships and find a healthy, happy lifestyle around food as we venture out of staying at home and back to more of the things that matter most.

  17. A Better Way: Mom With Type 2 Diabetes Uses Diet-to-Go to Give Birth to Healthy Baby Girl

    A Better Way: Mom With Type 2 Diabetes Uses Diet-to-Go to Give Birth to Healthy Baby Girl

    When Mary's doctor told her that her Type 2 Diabetes could impact her ability to conceive, she searched for every possible advantage to keep her numbers in check. With the Diet-to-Go Balance Diabetes plan not only did Mary lose 66 pounds... she gained so much more!

  18. 12 Ways to Avoid Inactivity at All Costs (and Why It's So Important)

    12 Ways to Avoid Inactivity at All Costs (and Why It's So Important)

    Sitting in a chair all day, lounging on a couch all evening, and laying in bed all night can be detrimental to your health. Right now you may find it especially difficult to keep your activity levels up to even a light level. We've put together a list of 12 simple ways to avoid inactivity. Let's get active now!

  19. 20 Quick & Easy Keto-Friendly Summer Grill Recipes

    20 Quick & Easy Keto-Friendly Summer Grill Recipes

    Summer arrives and your mind might head right to barbecue dinners. There is something that makes food cooked on the grill so much more delicious. When you're watching your weight, it can also be a stressful time, as you try to watch what you're eating but not miss out on those yummy foods that are always featured.

    We've collected 20 keto-friendly recipes that can help you stick with your guidelines... while also making your mouth water!  

  20. The 20 Best Diabetic Blogs 2020

    The 20 Best Diabetic Blogs 2020

    We've put together our top 20 of 2020 list. Do you have a favorite blog that features diabetic recipes? If it's not on our top 20 list let us know!

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